Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Weird Name: The Monkey's Eye


The Monkey's Eye

The first thing that any blogger would be really concerned before even starting the creation of his/her  blog will be about the blog's name. Of course, what he/she is going to write in that html linked interactive page is more important, but let us accept this: Finding a group of words that suits your intention gives you utmost satisfaction. 

So, why did I choose this weird name- "The Monkey's Eye"? Let me tell you a story:

While doing my Post-Graduation in one of the least preferred subjects in one of the most preferred Institutions of India, my homeland, one of my professors (who later turned out to be my academic guide for thesis) asked us, a bunch of fresh minds that, which view we would prefer- The Bird's Eye view or The Worm's Eye view? We had people raising hands for both- which would mean that there were people who prefer the macroscopic view and the microscopic view- something I would say, is of the scale- Black and White. 

But some of us were hesitant to raise the hand, not because we were unsure which view we preferred, but only a genuine concern about the impression that we would make in the Professor if we raised hands for the one which he doesn't prefer.  He, a retired bureaucrat, did sense this dilemma, and gave us a third option- "The Monkey's Eye view". Surprisingly a majority of the class preferred this. Those who were initially preferring either of the former, also shifted to this view. Why? 
  1. The monkey can look up when required and can look down when she is required to.
  2. The monkey usually sits on the tree- she can see both upwards and downwards, practically simultaneously.
  3. The monkey has mobility- she can climb down from the tree, feel the soil, walk around and climb back on the tree.
  4. She can climb higher and higher- to the highest of trees and taste fruits from there
  5. Her view is neither "White" nor "Black". It is "Grey".
In short, the monkey has mobility, freedom and all that comes with them!

So, this blog is going to be like the monkey's view; we will look at things at macroscopic level- as and when required; we will look at things at microscopic level- again, as and when required. And of course, we will talk about the grey parts, that the larger mass is missing to notice.

For all those inquisitive minds on my Subject and Institute: 
  1. Subject: M.Tech. in Technology and Development, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA)
  2. Institute: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

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