Monday, November 11, 2019

The Monkey is Alive

(Image Source:

To return from the cobwebs of oblivion is no easy task when you are carrying dead-lift-heavy inertia within your hands. Writer’s block as many of my friends would like to call it, is indeed an issue for all of us, us those who aspire to write or even scribble. A rusty mind and an out of habit pair of hands are going to be your worst enemies to overcome this uncomfortable void. Too much for a comeback? The monkey profusely apologise to all the kind-hearted readers and do gracefully accept that it has been a long gap, enough for a human female to conceive and give birth, since there was a post on this blog.

So this post is going to be as short as it can get, an assurance to my beloved readers that the monkey was not kidnapped or faced trial for criticising the government in her last post. She will continue to express her monkey’s eye view as continuously as it is apely possible. She knows that a lot more topics have to be said, discussed and debated, a lot more to be perceived in the grey middle path, safely away from both white and dark.
            Adios till the next soon to come post!
P.S.: Do post your favourite topics to be discussed as comments. It would help me get out of this writer’s block.


  1. Hey....welcome back monkey...:)
    For your next post-"your thoughts over self help books and people who read self help books"....

    1. Thank you for the generous suggestion! Let me convey your warm regards from the monkey. And yes, she has started writing on the same. :)
